Last semester I was really happy with how engaged my students were in the project. I credit the engagement to the authenticity of the essential question that drove that project. For this project it was important to me to have a clear motivation for why we would everything in the class.
A math teacher at our school studied aeronautics in college and we got to talking about flight. In the past I have seen other teachers do projects on flight and when I showed him some of their examples, we both got really excited. This is why I love looking through other teachers projects, because it's easy to get a new idea from somewhere else, or tweak it to your liking. In this case we used previous projects as an example and built from there. Based on our inspiration, I wanted to make kites with the students, and I was also thinking about balsa wood gliders. While researching I found X Company, which uses aeronautics to solve problems like internet access and power generation. These were authentic uses of aeronautical science and I found myself fascinated. |
How might future challenges be managed, solved, or prevented using airborne solutions? |
To start the project, I gave students a pre fabricated kite kit to assemble. On the first day of class we built and flew kites and took notes on the experience. On day 2 everybody made modifications to their kites. We looked at pictures of kites and added tails, cut holes, and combined kites to see what worked. Most of them failed, but some worked great! |
We collected everyone's notes on what makes a good kite. I asked everyone to make a kite from scratch. Many used plans that we found online, some used their modified kites as a model. We used cheap materials and tested the kites daily, making improvements.
The class put everything that we learned into these posters. This is a fun reflection process and the documents look good together when you limit the number of colors everyone can use.
Because assembling kites worked so well I bought a bunch of gliders from Party City. On the first day of this part of the project everybody assembled a toy glider and tried it out. We measured the flight characteristics of the gliders. Then the class hacked the toy gliders by adding weight, bigger wings and other things to try and improve the flight characteristics.
We collected the class's notes on what makes a glider work well and made gliders from scratch based off of our best notes. |