FALL 2021
Selected Student Digital Portfolios Cohen Olivia Fernando Molly “Tensegrity: A closed structural system composed of compression struts within a network of compression tendons” Kenneth Snelson “it seemed to me, in 1927, appropriate to ask also whether man, who obviously tended to think only of a solid, brick-on-brick, pile-up law as governing all fundamental forms of structural modifications, i.e., formal, local alterations of the "solid" compressional earth's crust, was congenitally limited to "solid" structural conceptioning, and could therefore never participate in the far more efficient structural strategies evidenced in his (only instrumentally harvested) infra- and ultra-sensorial data of universal patterning.” Buckminster Fuller By November 20, 2021, in collaboration with Philip, small teams will build a tensegrity structure (a table, seat, stool, etc) using wood and steel. These will be exhibited off site in a location to be determined for the public to view and enjoy sometime in December. By raffling our projects to the public we will raise money for local organizations that we care about. Weekly Summaries |