Environmental Science Honors / Go and Tell Philip Estrada - [email protected] Overview Environmental Science Honors (E.S.H) is a set of “Go and Tell” assignments in addition to the general course. It is intended to expand and broaden your experience and expose you to a greater variety of material in the subject. It is graded on a 5 point scale. E.S.H is self directed and will require significant planning and communication on your part. You will select assignments and complete them on your own schedule. A selection of ideas is listed below.
Go and Tell is a student-led assignment for credit in Environmental Science. Students in the general class get 5% credit for 1 Go and Tell point for a maximum of 10%. Before starting an assignment you must fill out an Go and Tell Proposal and get it signed by your teacher, otherwise it is not worth points.
As evidence of having completed an assignment, you will turn in a printed summary of the experience and what you learned. The summary will be >500 words and <= 2 pages. Pictures may be included.
Requirements (Honors) You need 10 points for full credit in the course. At the end of the semester your grade will be adjusted based on total Go and Tell Points. Every missing Honors Point drops your grade by 5%. With 10 of 10 points your grade will remain the same. Honors assignments turned in during the last week of school are only worth half credit.
Generally, you may not earn more than 4 points from a single assignment/type of assignment. To join Honors, earn at least 1 point by the end of the 3rd week of school.
Example Assignments: Use this list to inspire you. You may also propose your own ideas.
Attend Biology or Env. Science College level lectures (virtually or in-person): Students may request to audit a Biology or Environmental Science (or really any college level science course).
Independent project: Petition an independent project to be conducted (and documented with dated photographs) over a few weeks during the semester. Examples from previous years have included starting a family garden, building catchment barrels for rain-water, etc.
Volunteering with Natural or Scientific Organization: Check with Phil before starting!
Independent Reading: Students can meet with Phil and decide on a book that they can read. Books should be scientific in nature. Honors points may vary depending on the book being read.
Master AP Environmental Science Khan Academy Course: You may earn points for mastering certain amounts of the course. Use course code from Phil’s DP
Hiking Trails or Snorkeling: Students can visit and hike at trails and natural spaces around San Diego (or outside of our region).
Educational Documentaries and Podcasts: Similar to books, students can petition alternate documentaries/podcast
Movie examples might include: My Octopus Teacher, Biggest Little Farm, Kiss the Ground, The Social Dilemma Podcast examples might be: Rick Ridgeway: Wild Life (Water People), Watershed Chats: Restoring Biodiversity via Practical Community Conservation Strategies (Water People). Ologies (episodes about nature and the environment)