Last semester I was really happy with how engaged my students were in the project. I credit the engagement to the authenticity of the essential question that drove that project. For this project it was important to me to have a clear motivation for why we would everything in the class.
A math teacher at our school studied aeronautics in college and we got to talking about flight. In the past I have seen other teachers do projects on flight and when I showed him some of their examples, we both got really excited. This is why I love looking through other teachers projects, because it's easy to get a new idea from somewhere else, or tweak it to your liking. In this case we used previous projects as an example and built from there. Based on our inspiration, I wanted to make kites with the students, and I was also thinking about balsa wood gliders. While researching I found X Company, which uses aeronautics to solve problems like internet access and power generation. These were authentic uses of aeronautical science and I found myself fascinated. |
How might future challenges be managed, solved, or prevented using airborne solutions? |
Here are two websites that were really useful in this project. Both contain a lot of good info regarding kites.
First, assemble a toy glider and try to make it better. Then make your own out of balsa wood.
Use what you learned to make a new glider, or plans online for a glider that looks interesting and make it.
Write about what you learned and make it into a poster that shows a diagram of the glider that you made