Student Work
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami: Its effect on me - Lily
For this project I was able to pick a topic about a moment in the last 10 years that could relate to you and I picked the 2011 tsunami since some of my family lives in Japan and I remember the moment pretty vividly. I researched a lot about it and it was very interesting with all go the things I learned and the new physics terms I used for the project. I made an image and an article for this project and it really showed how impactful it was to me and it was good to go back in history and learn more about my family I don't get to see as much. Throughout the process this is by far my best looking project and by doing two other moments to lead up to my final project it helped to make this final project add all the key points and to be proud of what I came up with.
Backpacking in Maidenhair Falls - Katie
For the final topic of this project, I picked a moment from within the last 20 years. When I was 12, I went on my first backpacking trip. Something terrible happened and it caused small riff between me and my friend. This caused me to begin an interest and learn to enjoy backpacking even though my first experience wasn't the greatest.
My PTIL and more about how this experience has effected me is linked below. |
2016 Election - Andrew
For my project, I chose to do the 2016 election. I think this is a really important event for me because it was the first time I understood what an election was and how it affected me.
During this project, I even learned a little more about our government and how it works. In 2016 I was only in 8th grade but I was still interested in how the "system" works. I wouldn't say I love politics because I don't think anyone can but it's definitely an interesting subject. |
The Bike Fall - Jair
As our final moment we had to choose a moment that has happened to us that has stuck with us or effected us in a way. For me at first I could really remember anything that has happened to me specifically but that's until I remembered when I have fallen of my bike. So this moment was around the summer of 2014 and my parents and I decided to go to the park. I went with my bike since I loved using it. Then I decided to go down a hill but it wasn't on my favor at the end
Surgery, Syncope, & the Physics In-between - Braden
I stepped foot into a veterinary hospital in January of 2020 to start my first internship. I would learn valuable lessons about patient care, surgery, and medicine. During the course of internship, the intersection of biology and physics would be a constant factor in the rehabilitation of the animals. This piece describes the first surgery I observed where I fainted and has photographs from a later amputation I viewed.
Sunday Brunch - Blanca
For this project, my peers and I picked a moment that impacted us within the last 20 years. I chose to talk about a tradition that my parents started long before I was born, Sunday brunches. For as long as I can remember, every Sunday has consisted of 3 things: church, brunch, and family. For the most part, we always go to our favorite place Family House of Pancakes but sometimes we'll also try new places. These moments with my family have impacted me because I've learned to live in the moment and appreciate the little things in life.
The Effects Of Skateboarding- Anned
My contemporary moment was about the time I learned to skate because of my brother. During this project I decided to focus on the physics terms that involved the parts of the skateboard. For example I researched and learned about the velocity in skateboarding and how it can be measured. Learning about the physics of skateboarding really made me view skating differntly
Light in the Mud Caves - Jake
In the Summer of 2017, a group of my friends and I were camping around the Ocotillo Wells area. It was a yearly event where all of us would hike through the mud caves and badlands for a few hours. We found a hollow with a bright pillar of light in the center, and the alien nature of it changed how I viewed the world.
BLM protests - Ixchel
The Seat of a Ghost - Carlos
For the last moment, we did a contemporary moment. One that was in our lives that impacted us. I chose a series of moments that I shared with my grandfather and family. These moments being connected to this chair that he sat in all the time. Since I needed to choose a specific moment I chose the day of 2/03/16.
Lockdown - Jasmine
For the last moment in this project, we focused on choosing a recent moment that we value most. It's currently 2020 and one of the biggest things to have affected everyone, was covid-19. The image shows cars waiting in line at the San Ysidro port of entry to enter the US, the reason for this was that my last day before going into quarantine was spent in Tijuana with family trying to gather supplies. It's strange to think back to a time without masks and social distancing, but on this last day we didn't use masks yet, it was what we once called 'normal'. I go more into depth with my moment in my article, but this was an important day for me in 2020, it was the last day of normal.
2014 World Cup Final - Anjolie
For this assignment we had to pick a more recent moment that has made an impact on our lives. I chose to talk about the 2014 world cup final, between Germany and Argentina. I wrote about this game because the Goalkeeper for Germany is my all time favorite player and this game showed some of his highlights.
Physics in Air Filters - Raha
Bright Eclipse - Maren
For my topic, I picked a total solar eclipse that my family and I had gone on a trip to experience back in 2017. There were a lot of moments I could have picked that might have been more life-altering or dramatic, but I decided to pick a happy and beautiful memory I have because it is one of many big and small moments that make me a happier and better person today.
This moment, despite not being a big bang of realization or upset, gave me stronger bonds with my family and a good memory, and using it as the topic proved engaging and helped me learn a lot as I wrote about it. |
Climate Justice Moment - Michelle
Climate change doesn’t only affect humans but as well as other marvelous things such as animals, views, and nature. There has been brought up to more attention as being one of the top 10 global issues. We need to do our part and consider ways to reduce waste and contribute less towards creating carbon.
The Best Pasta I Have Ever Ate - CGM
Chocolate Rain - Anthony
I went to a chocolate factory when I was younger and was given a tour and saw all the machinery that was used to make the chocolate. This moment mattered to me because it was my first time ever being in any sort of factory and seeing how it was done, and also because it was the best chocolate i’ve ever had and they gave it out for free. I also learnt a bit of business but I didn’t pay too much attention because I was very young at the time.
2020 California Wildfires - Gary
In the summer of 2020, California began to face one of its most difficult and devastating wildfire seasons in history. In mid-August, upwards of 370 fires were actively burning across the state of California, quickly ballooning to over 9,600 fires in December. This directly impacted communities in San Diego, and neighborhoods near my family. My interest in city planning and urban design pushed me to chose this moment, because decades of poor planning pushed fires further into urbanized communities, only exacerbating the fires' impacts. The process of creating the infographic was similar to my previous one, where I used the same outlines and text boxes. This time, my terms went deeper into the topic and exposed me to complex (and sometimes hard to understand) physics concepts.
The Coachella Music Festival: A family affair - Nevaeh
Flight to Mexico - Alex
Fishing in Alaska - Izzy
For this project students had to choose a moment from 10 years ago that they had a connection with. I chose to do my project on my time in Alaska when I went fishing with my dad and uncle. I used the design website Canva to create my project. I added three terms relating to my moment. I also added a video and three photos.
Elliot Page Announces He Is Transgender
In this project we were asked to choose any moment that occurred from within the last two decades. I chose to write about the news released in early December about Elliot Page; he had announced that he was transgender. I chose to write about this specific moment because I was very happy to hear to hear about this news and just this year, I myself had barely come to terms and understanding my own gender identity.